Preview: Ego
Ramin Akhavijou with a preview of Ego, running 3/20 (8 pm) and 3/21 (10 am and 8 pm) as part of the New Hazlett Theater Community […]
Live Music: Small Hours
Music and conversation with jazz trio Small Hours, featuring Margot Jezerc (vocals), Jason Rafalak (upright bass), and Bryce Rabideau (mandolin)
SongSpace Preview: Nylon String Summit with Buxton, Rectenwald, & Meleshenko
Classical guitarists Danny Rectenwald and Alex Meleshenko in advance of the Nylon Sting Summit with Damon Buxton as part of the SongSpace series, First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh, 3/22 […]
Live Music: Mustard’s Retreat
SLB Favorites Mustard's Retreat featuring David Tamulevich (guitar, vocals) and Libby Glover (vocals)